
的近律师行入选 2020年度《世界商标评论1000强》名录

[ 本内容只备有英文版 ]

Deacons’ Intellectual Property department is off to a strong start in 2020, winning two prestigious accolades in the 2020 edition of the World Trademark Review 1000 (WTR1000).

Deacons has been ranked as a Gold Tier law firm for both ‘enforcement and litigation’, and ‘prosecution and strategy’. Six partners also achieved stellar individual rankings, claiming the highest number of ranked individuals from any law firm in the Hong Kong chapter.

Individual rankings for the following categories are as follows:

Enforcement and litigation

  • Charmaine Koo (highly recommended)
  • Dora Si (recommended)
  • Catherine Zheng (recommended)

Prosecution and strategy

  • Annie Tsoi (gold tier)
  • Catherine Zheng (gold tier)
  • Benjamin Choi (silver tier)
  • Patsy Lau (silver tier)


  • Charmaine Koo (highly recommended)
  • Catherine Zheng (highly recommended)

A special mention was made to Andy Yu who is described as a “highly capable rising star”, and to Emmy Chow and Wendy Zhou who also “possess exceptional characters and knowledge”.

Congratulations to the IP department for achieving these impressive rankings!

The WTR 1000 is the only standalone publication to recommend individual practitioners and their firms exclusively in the trademark field, and identifies the leading players in over 70 key jurisdictions globally.

To learn more about the relevant rankings in Hong Kong, please read here.



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