Happy Chinese New Year and Kung Hei Fat Choy!
In this legal update, we will discuss changes relating to reduction of capital, share buy-back and financial assistance under the new Companies Ordinance.
The Uniform Solvency Test
A uniform solvency test is introduced in the new Companies Ordinance. The survival of this solvency test is a pre-requisite for a company that intends to reduce its share capital through the court-free procedures, buy-back its own shares and provide finance assistance to acquire its own shares.
The solvency test will be satisfied if:
A solvency statement is to be made and signed by directors having formed the opinion that the company satisfies the solvency test. A director must inquire into the company’s state of affairs and prospects and take into account all liabilities (including contingent and prospective) of the company in forming his opinion.
A director who makes a solvency statement without having reasonable grounds for the opinion expressed in it will be a criminal offence.
There is and will be no requirement for an auditors’ report. The Government takes the view that auditors would not be in a better position than the directors to ascertain the company’s solvency.
Reduction of Capital – An Alternative Court-free Procedure
We will have a new and alternative court-free procedure for reduction of capital. This new procedure, which is based on the solvency test (as outlined above) applies to all companies. It is therefore a faster and cheaper way for companies to achieve capital reduction.
To reduce capital through the court-free process, a company would require:
Any creditor and non-approving member may apply to the Court for cancellation of the resolution.
Share Buy-back
Under the existing law, companies are allowed to buy back its own shares using distributable profits or using the proceeds of a fresh issue of shares. For private companies, share buy-back out of capital is also permissible based on a solvency test. The new Companies Ordinance will extend this solvency-based buy-back out of capital to all companies.
The requirements and procedures for companies to buy back its shares out of capital are similar to those in the court-free procedure for reduction of capital as discussed above. These requirements will be applicable to all listed and unlisted companies except that listed companies are not allowed to make any on-market purchase of its own shares out of capital.
Financial Assistance
Under the existing law, it is an offence for a Hong Kong company and its subsidiaries to give financial assistance for the purpose of acquiring shares in the company. There are certain exceptions. This regime will largely be maintained, pending the introduction of insolvent trading provisions.
Notably, the new Companies Ordinance will provide that contravention will not in itself affect the validity of the financial assistance given or any connected contract. This does not, however, mean that one can proceed with a transaction which may involve financial assistance, regardless of any consideration that it may be a prohibited transaction.
The new Companies Ordinance will also permit both unlisted and listed companies to provide financial assistance, subject to compliance with any one of three “whitewash” procedures. A listed company is subject to the additional restriction that it may only provide financial assistance, if it has net assets which are not reduced by the giving of the assistance, or if its net assets are reduced, the assistance is provided out of distributable profits.
In all cases, the directors who vote in favour of giving assistance are required to make a solvency statement. This says essentially that the directors have formed the opinion that the company will be able to pay its debts as they become due during the period of 12 months immediately following the date of the transaction. This is a cash flow test. A director who makes a solvency statement without having reasonable grounds for the opinion commits an offence.
The first “whitewash” procedure permits assistance if the assistance, and all other financial assistance previously given and not repaid, do not exceed 5% of the paid up share capital and reserves of the company.
The above “whitewash” procedure does not require shareholders’ approval. The other two procedures require approval either by all shareholders or by an ordinary resolution (which may be passed by a simple majority) of the shareholders. In the latter case, the company must send to each shareholder 14 days before the resolution a notice which contains information about the nature of the assistance and the implications of giving the assistance for the company and the shareholders. The assistance can only be given after 28 days after the resolution is passed. Dissenting shareholders holding 5% of the total voting rights may, within the 28-day period, apply to the Court to restrain the giving of the assistance.
Deacons’ New Companies Ordinance Series
In case you have not read our earlier updates on the new Companies Ordinance, they are as follows:
Gearing up for the New Companies Ordinance
The New Companies Ordinance Series (1) – Company Formation and Share Capital
The New Companies Ordinance Series (2) – Written Resolutions, General Meetings, Record Keeping, Accounting Reference Period and Prohibition of Bearer Warrants
The New Companies Ordinance Series (3) – Directors
统一的偿付能力测试 (Solvency Test)
(a) 紧接在交易之后,将没有认定公司无能力偿付其债项的理由;及
(b) 紧接在交易之后的12个月内,公司将会有能力偿付到期的债项,或如公司拟在交易日期后12个月内展开清盘,在展开清盘后的12个月内公司将会有能力悉数偿付其债项。
偿付能力陈述书(solvency statement)需由董事作出并签署,以陈述其认为公司通过偿付能力测试之意见。董事必须在作出陈述时查究公司的事务状况及前景,并考虑公司的全部债务(包括或有及潜在的负债)。
股本减少 (Reduction of Capital) – 无须通过法院的另行程序
(a) 由无利害关系的股东所通过的特别决议;
(b) 由全体董事作出的偿付能力陈述书;
(c) 在政府宪报及香港报章上刊登有关减少股本的公告;及
(d) 在公司注册处登记。
股份回购 (Share Buy-back)
财政资助 (Financial Assistance)
新《公司条例》系列(1) – 公司组成及股本
新《公司条例》系列 (2) – 书面决议、股东大会、公司纪录备存、会计参照期及不记名股份权证
新《公司条例》系列(3) – 董事