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In Surrey County Council v Suez Recycling and Recovery Surrey Ltd [2021] EWHC 2015, the parties had entered into a number of agreements and England’s Technology and Construction Court had to determine what they had ultimately agreed should be the appropriate dispute resolution forum. The Court granted the application for a stay of the proceedings in favour of arbitration, under s.9 of the Arbitration Act 1996 (equivalent to s.20(1) of Hong Kong’s Arbitration Ordinance (Cap 609)) and held that the presumption in favour of “one-stop” adjudication still applies where there are multiple contracts between the same parties, each containing a different dispute resolution clause.
Surrey County Council (Surrey) entered into a 25 year Waste Disposal Project Agreement (WDPA) with Suez Recycling and Recovery Surrey Ltd (Suez), under which Suez was to provide various facilities and services for Surrey. The WDPA contained dispute resolution provisions. Certain types of identified disputes were referrable for Expert Determination pursuant to Clause 51. Pursuant to Clause 52, any dispute arising out of or in connection with the WDPA, not being a Clause 51 dispute, was to be resolved initially by conciliation and then by arbitration. Clause 63 stated that the WDPA would be governed by the laws of England and that the parties submitted to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of England and Wales.
Due to planning issues, the parties had to adapt their plans regarding the building of waste facilities and they concluded three further agreements (Deeds of Variation) to cater for such, each of which amended the WDPA in various respects. The WDPA remained in full force and effect and was to be read and understood subject to the new provisions which applied to it. The changes included the creation of an EcoPark, which while in one sense was a discrete project, fell to be implemented and operated within the over-arching machinery of the WDPA.
Clause 15 of Deed of Variation 2 (DOV2) provided that the Courts of England shall have exclusive jurisdiction in relation to the Deed and any contractual or non-contractual obligations arising from or connected with it together with any claim, dispute or difference concerning the Deed and any matter arising from it.
The Parties’ contentions
A dispute arose between the parties in relation to the EcoPark works and Surrey commenced proceedings against Suez. Suez applied to stay the proceedings, contending that the dispute was subject to the arbitration clause (Clause 52) of the WDPA, which remained applicable. Whilst Surrey accepted that disputes arising within the original scope of the WDPA and which had nothing to do with the subject matter of DOV2 were still subject to arbitration pursuant to Clause 52 of the WDPA, it argued that any dispute concerning the construction of the EcoPark was subject to Clause 15 of DOV2.
Contractual interpretation
The Court said that where successive agreements are involved, it is relevant to take into account the character of the later one and its relationship with the earlier one when determining the scope of the dispute resolution provisions. A later agreement which involves say the resolution of disputes under the earlier agreement or which provides for its wholesale termination may be regarded differently from one which contains amendments to the earlier agreement, which otherwise remains effective.
Applicable principles
The Court derived the following principles from the case authorities:
Court’s decision
The Court came to the clear conclusion that the parties intended the dispute resolution provisions of the WDPA to remain applicable for substantive disputes arising in respect of the construction of the EcoPark because:
Disputes about the conflicting dispute resolution mechanisms in different but related contracts are not uncommon. The presumption that parties are assumed to have agreed on a single tribunal for the determination of all their disputes arising out of their legal relationship, is difficult to displace, unless there is an express term saying otherwise. In this regard, the drafting of any later agreement must expressly replace the arbitration clause in the original agreement.
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