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Deacons has advised Win Win Way Construction Holdings in relation to its global offering and Main Board IPO in Hong Kong.
Win Win Way is a construction company that principally provides foundation work and ancillary services, as well as general building work covering commercial complexes, hospitals, hotels, housing estates, schools, industrial buildings and private residential buildings in Hong Kong.
Recent completed projects include the Former Police Married Quarters (known as PMQ) on Hollywood Road; the Central Police Station conservation and revitalisation projects; a shopping and hotel complex re-modelling project in Tsim Sha Tsui; a redevelopment of school in Wan Chai; and a residential development on Kennedy Road. Win Win Way is also the main contractor, providing foundation work and ancillary services and general building work, for a resort hotel project in Saipan.
The company published its IPO prospectus on 30 June 2017, seeking to raise up to HK$128 million (subject to the exercise of over-allotment option) from the global offering. Dealings in its shares on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange commenced on 17 July 2017.
The sole sponsor and sole global coordinator is KGI Capital Asia Limited.
Deacons’ team is led by Rhoda Yung, a corporate finance partner.
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