Cloud computing is rapidly becoming an integral part of daily life. However, concerns about cloud security and privacy may be holding some companies back from adopting cloud computing services.
Deacons’ Intellectual Property Group and the Law and Technology Centre of The University of Hong Kong will jointly hold a seminar to discuss the latest developments in data privacy and security issues in the Cloud.
This seminar will cover a number of key areas including:
Michael Mudd
Managing Partner, Asia Policy Partners LLC
Michael Mudd is the chief representative of the UK based Open Computing Alliance for APAC and the Middle East/Africa and the APAC Ambassador for the Cloud Credential Council. He is the Managing Partner of Asia Policy Partners LLC (APP) an IT strategy and trade policy advisory firm that he founded. Prior to this he has held leading commercial positions with Riverbed Technology and Standard Chartered Bank PLC, where he was a Senior Manager in the trade banks online department, joining the bank from of Noble Group where he was the head of the ecommerce division.
He is an appointed technical expert to JTC-1 of the ISO and is a member of the Government of Hong Kong’s Expert Group on Cloud Computing, specifically the Working Group on Cloud Security and Privacy. He holds committee positions in the Hong Kong Computer Society, The Overseas Security Advisory Council (OSAC) where he is on the Senior Advisory Board for Hong Kong as well as other chambers and associations in the region and has been the Chairman of the IT, IPR and Telecom Committee for Amcham Hanoi since 2007.
Charmaine Koo
Partner and Co-head of Intellectual Property Department, Deacons
Charmaine is Co-Head of the head of the Deacons Intellectual Property Department and Head of the IP Litigation and Enforcement, Commercial IP and Entertainment and Media Practice Groups. Charmaine advises on all aspects of IP. She has won ground-breaking court cases including Tsit Wing (Hong Kong) Company Limited v TWG Tea Company Pte Ltd, voted as Managing IP Magazine’s “HK IP Case of the Year 2013”. Charmaine also has extensive experience advising on copyright, data protection and personal data privacy and information technology, representing many major clients on complex and novel privacy issues in Hong Kong including appeals before the Privacy Commissioner.
She was named “Best in IP Litigation” in Asia at the Euromoney Legal Media Group Asia Women in Business Law Awards (2013) and is identified as one of the most highly acclaimed legal experts in Hong Kong including in the area of IT, Media & Telecommunications and Intellectual Property in Asialaw Leading Lawyers (2013) and is recognised as one of the world’s leading lawyers in the Euromoney’s Technology, Media and Telecommunications Expert Guide (2015).
Date: Monday, 2 February 2015
Time: 12:30 pm – 2:00 pm (registration starts at 12:00 noon)
Venue: 14th Floor, Alexandra House, 18 Chater Road, Central
Please contact Camay Lau on 2825 9426 or camay.lau@deacons.com for registration details.