Deacons advised Guangzhou Metro Group Co., Ltd. (Guangzhou Metro) on its issuance of offshore green bonds due 2026 in the aggregate amount of US$200 million. It marks the first issuance of offshore green bonds by a stated-owned enterprise in the Guangzhou city.
The net proceeds of the issue of the notes will be allocated to finance and/or refinance Eligible Green Projects as defined in Guangzhou Metro’s Green Finance Framework. Sustainalytics has provided a second party opinion on the environmental credentials of Guangzhou Metro’s Green Finance Framework and its alignment with the Green Bond Principles 2021. In addition, the notes have been certified by Hong Kong Quality Assurance Agency.
With a coupon rate of 1.579% per annum, the notes were issued by Guangzhou Metro’s wholly-owned subsidiary, Guangzhou Metro Investment Finance (BVI) Limited, and are guaranteed by Guangzhou Metro Investment Finance (HK) Limited, with the benefit of a keepwell deed and a deed of equity interest purchase undertaking by Guangzhou Metro. The notes are listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange.
Deacons has acted as international counsel to Guangzhou Metro since its debut issuance of offshore bonds in 2015. Our team for this transaction was led by Kevin Tong and Icarus Yuen (Partners of our Corporate Finance Practice Group), who were supported by Christine Li (Consultant) and Crystal Wan (Associate).
本次绿色债券的票面息率为每年1.579% ,由广州地铁集团的全资子公司广州地铁投融资(维京)有限公司发行,广州地铁投融资(香港)有限公司担保及受惠于广州地铁集团签署的维好契约及股权购买承诺契约,并在香港联交所上市。
的近企业融资部在资本市场领域经验丰富,在债券/票据发行业务上一直保持稳固的市场领先地位,客户行业类型多元 。的近将持续致力为客户提供专业优质的法律服务,协助客户实现其业务发展的目标。