
的近律师行被《国际金融法律评论》(IFLR) 2021年度亚太区法律大奖评选为“香港特别行政区年度最佳律师事务所”

[ 本内容只备有英文版 ]

We are delighted to announce that Deacons has been awarded the “Hong Kong SAR Firm of the Year” at IFLR’s Asia-Pacific Awards 2021. We are honoured to be recognised as the most innovative law firm of the city with a 170-year history.

Our firm was also shortlisted for “Financial Services Regulatory Firm of the Year”.

The annual award ceremony recognises legal innovation above all else, all winners were selected by the IFLR editorial team after months of research, interviews, analysis and deliberation.

IFLR analyses the global legal market and interprets in-house expert opinion for capital markets, corporate and finance lawyers.

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