Simon Deane was recently quoted in Hong Kong Business commenting on Hong Kong’s recent update of existing guidelines for surveillance machines.
According to Hong Kong Business, “These unmanned aerial systems – when not being used for mischievous purposes – are actually quite handy. Colloquially referred to as drones, they’re small, portable, and mobile, able to provide plenty of advantages such as photography and videography of anything from urban environments to wild terrain. The advantages brought about by the use of drones also open up the issue of invasion of privacy. Like crime-deterring CCTV systems, drones fitted with cameras tend to capture individuals minding their own business. For this reason, the Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data has issued an updated guidance note regulating surveillance drones.”
Simon notes the new guidelines will be helpful in focusing drone users’ attention on personal data privacy – without it, many users may not have been immediately aware that drone or CCTV surveillance cameras may result in an invasion of individual privacy rights.
“I think the effect of the note will depend upon how well the Privacy Commissioner can publicize it and educate drone users about restrictions imposed by law on using drones for surveillance,” says Simon.
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