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Adjustments to the Fees in the Second Schedule to the Banking Ordinance

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Authored by: Simon Deane and Ruby Hui

On 12 June 2024, the resolution (“Resolution”) was passed by the Legislative Council under section 135(2) of the Banking Ordinance (Cap. 155) (“BO”) to amend the second schedule to the BO, to increase the fees payable (collectively “Fees”) under sections 19(1) to (2), 20(5), 45(1) to (3), 48 (1) to (4), 51(1) to (2) and 118F(1) to (2) of the BO set out in the table below, and the Government gazetted the Resolution on the same day.

Item number as set out in the second schedule to BO Description of fee Relevant section in the BO Original fee (HKD) Amended fee (HKD), effective from 12 June 2024
1 Banking licence fee 19(1) 474,340 610,000
1A Renewal of banking licence fee 19(2) 474,340 610,000
2 Registration fee for deposit taking company 19(1) 113,020 145,000
3 Renewal of registration fee for deposit taking company 19(2) 113,020 145,000
4 Restricted banking licence fee 19(1) 384,270 490,000
5 Renewal of restricted banking licence fee 19(2) 384,270 490,000
6 Inspection fee 20(5) 10 12
7 Fee for a copy or extract, per page 20(5) 5 6
8 Fee for the establishment of a local branch of a bank, other than a restricted licence bank 45(1) 22,400 29,000
9 Annual fee for maintaining a local branch of a bank, other than a restricted licence bank 45(1), (2) and (3) 22,400 29,000
10 Fee for the establishment of a local branch of a restricted licence bank or deposit-taking company 45(1) 19,110 20,000
11 Annual fee for maintaining a local branch of a restricted licence bank or deposit-taking company  45(1), (2) and (3) 19,110 20,000
12 Fee for the establishment of a local representative office 48(1) 22,400 29,000
13 Annual fee for maintaining a local representative office 48(1), (2), (3) and (4) 22,400 29,000
14 Fee for the establishment of an overseas branch of a bank, other than a restricted licence bank 51(1) 44,800 58,000
15 Annual fee for maintaining an overseas branch of a bank, other than a restricted licence bank 51(1) and (2) 44,800 58,000
16 Fee for the establishment of an overseas branch of a restricted licence bank or deposit-taking company 51(1) 38,400 40,000
17 Annual fee for maintaining an overseas branch of a restricted licence bank or deposit-taking company 51(1) and (2) 38,400 40,000
18 Fee for the establishment of an overseas representative office of a bank, other than a restricted licence bank 51(1) 11,200 14,500
19 Annual fee for maintaining an overseas representative office of a bank, other than a restricted licence bank 51(1) and (2) 11,200 14,500
20 Fee for the establishment of an overseas representative office of a restricted licence bank or deposit-taking company 51(1) 19,110 20,000
21 Annual fee for maintaining an overseas representative office of a restricted licence bank or deposit-taking company 51(1) and (2) 19,110 20,000
22 Approved money broker fee 118F(1) 44,800 58,000
23 Renewal of approved money broker fee 118F(2) 44,800 58,000

Pursuant to the BO, authorized institutions, local representative offices and approved money brokers are obliged to pay to the Director of Accounting Services licence fees, registration fees, and establishment fees for local and overseas branches or overseas representative offices, and relevant renewal fees on every anniversary thereafter.

In response to the 2024-25 Budget announced by the Government, the HKMA proposed to raise the Fees after considering factors such as the “user pays” and cost-recovery principles, general price inflation and corresponding fee levels in other jurisdictions.

Please click here for copies of the relevant Legislative Council Brief and government gazette notice.

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Consultant | Banking and Finance

Email or call +852 2825 9209

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