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Authored by: Pinky Siu
The Hong Kong Securities and Futures Commission (SFC) has launched a two-month consultation on proposed changes to the position limits and large open position reporting regime in Hong Kong.
By way of background, the Securities and Futures (Contract Limits and Reportable Positions) Rules (Rules) (i) impose restrictions on the maximum number of futures contracts or stock options contracts traded in Hong Kong that may be held or controlled by a person, and (ii) require a person holding or controlling a reportable position for futures contracts or stock options contracts to file a notice.
Key proposals related to funds
One of the SFC’s key proposals is to provide clarity and legal certainty about how the Rules are to be applied to unit trusts and mutual funds, which is summarised below:
Application to unit trusts
Application to umbrella funds
The SFC believes the proposed changes would ensure that unit trusts and sub-funds of an umbrella fund observe prescribed limits and report reportable positions in a manner which is consistent with how these positions are managed and monitored in practice.
However, unit trusts, umbrella funds and their key operators such as the trustees, custodians and fund managers will have to adjust their monitoring arrangements and systems to ensure compliance with the prescribed limits and reporting requirements, if they are currently monitoring the positions in a different manner. Nevertheless, the SFC considers that overall the proposed amendments should not create undue burden on the fund management industry.
Other proposals
The other proposals in the consultation include:
Market participants are interested parties are invited to submit their comments on the proposals by 27 June 2022. The SFC has not indicated any proposed implementation timeline in the consultation paper.
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